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About Irys

Empowering decision-making and building happier communities

If you’re here, you are likely part of a design, engineering, or construction firm. You lead projects that directly impact and improve communities. Being so, you need to communicate with residents, stakeholders, and other parties throughout the decision-making process to ensure their voices are heard and considered. But that can be easier said than done.

Getting feedback from the community comes with obstacles, especially post-COVID-19. In the past, a combination of in-person meetings and digital communication was common. Now, with the limitations due to social distancing measures, all has been pushed digital. While this does come with the potential to widen your reach, many are having trouble bridging the gap.

Irys solves that problem by bringing you a complete solution that engages your audience through their mobile devices. Our modular app can help you manage everything from communication and collaboration to task management. As a result, your firm can consolidate the many apps you currently use into one simple platform that seamlessly connects you with your community.

Irys is unique in that it aims to be more than just a place for communication and collaboration. You’ll find gamification elements that work to engage users and keep them coming back. This creates a fun atmosphere where people actually want to join in, share their thoughts, and rack up rewards.

When you engage a large percentage of the community, you can identify and address any and all gaps in the project planning process in real-time. The feedback not only “checks the box” but helps to ensure your solution truly solves all of the needs and concerns of the people it will impact.

We bring you into consistent communication with all parties involved in your project. Stay in touch, conduct surveys, monitor user engagement, send and relieve messages, manage tasks, and much more. You’ll have a communication and collaboration ecosystem working to drive project efficiency and effectiveness.

In short, by partnering with Irys, you can streamline your workflow, safely engage communities, and effortlessly gain access to actionable insights that help you make the right decisions.

“People who live, work, play, and visit a place know its needs best. Working with Irys facilitates open communication between these stakeholders to help shape a more inclusive, resilient future.”

-Carly Foster, Community Resilience Practice Lead, Arcadis

Listen, Build, Flourish.

Our app can help your firm to get the feedback you need to better solve problems while speeding up project timelines.

Try it yourself.

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